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Fall 2018 Day School

Sprouts, ages 5 & 6

Fall 2018: August 16, 2018 to December 6, 2018

Spring 2019: January 17, 2019 to May 9, 2019 

Thursdays from 9am to 2pm in Windermere, FL

Tuition: $660/semester or $165/month

(plus $35 Non-Refundable Registration Fee and $60 Non-Refundable Supply Fee)

Children ages 5 & 6 will study a combination of Kindergarten and First Grade using a

Waldorf-influenced curriculum.


During their day the students will spend most of their time with their main teacher exploring

Circle Time, Literature, Poetry, Writing, Math, Spelling, Handiwork, and exploring various art

forms through drawing, painting, and sculpting. They will also participate in Yoga and

Gardening/Nature Studies classes with those teachers during the day.


During Circle Time the teacher will lead the students in one or two seasonal poems, one or

two seasonal songs, and a movement game.


As part of their Language Arts lessons the teacher will read, explore, and enact stories with

them each week which will be based on Fairy Tales and Poetry. Students will then create an

artistic depiction of the story through drawing or painting. During this time, students will also

practice writing and spelling.


Math instruction will include a story component as well as focusing on learning about the 

four processes of math — addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They will also be

introduced to mapping skills and Roman numerals. Math will also has an artistic component.


Three to four snack times, and outdoor times, will be included in the day so that students have a natural balance of active play time and time to quietly focus. Part of our outdoor time will be free play, and the other part will be focused on nature studies where students will be exposed to topics such as beekeeping, the four seasons, insect studies, nature crafts and more.


Seedlings, ages 7 & 8

Fall 2018: August 16, 2018 to December 6, 2018

Spring 2019: January 17, 2019 to May 9, 2019 

Thursdays from 9am to 2pm in Windermere, FL

Tuition: $660/semester or $165/month

(plus $35 Non-Refundable Registration Fee and $60 Non-Refundable Supply Fee)

Children ages 7 & 8 will study a combination of First and Second grade using a 

Waldorf-inspired curriculum.


During their day the students will spend most of their time with their main teacher exploring

Circle Time, Literature, Poetry, Writing, Math, Spelling, Handiwork, and exploring various art

forms through drawing, painting, and sculpting. They will also participate in Yoga and

Gardening/Nature Studies classes with those teachers during the day.


During Circle Time the teacher will lead the students in one or two seasonal poems, one or

two seasonal songs, and movement games that touch on math and language arts skills.


As part of their Language Arts lessons the teacher will read, explore, and enact stories with

them each week which will be based on Animal Legends, Golden Legends (Hero tales),

Trickster Tales, and Stories of Wonder. Students will then create an artistic depiction of the story

through drawing or painting. During this time, students will also practice writing and spelling.


Math instruction will include a story component as well as focussing on expanding their

understanding of the four processes of math — addition, subtraction, multiplication and

division. They will also explore Time and Money matters as well as dig deeper into the four

processes mentioned above. Math will also have an artistic component that will be incorporated during the math story time.


Three to four snack times, and outdoor times, will be included in the day so that students have a natural balance of active play time and time to quietly focus. Part of our outdoor time will be free play, and the other part will be focused on nature studies where students will be exposed to topics such as animals, flora and fauna, nature crafts and more.


Saplings, ages 8 to 10

Fall 2018: August 16, 2018 to December 6, 2018

Spring 2019: January 17, 2019 to May 9, 2019 

Thursdays from 9am to 2pm in Windermere, FL

Tuition: $660/semester or $165/month

(plus $35 Non-Refundable Registration Fee and $60 Non-Refundable Supply Fee)


Namas-PLAY Yoga for Kids:

Through movement, mindfulness, music, and breath, we will come together to cultivate a joyful

calm; and set the stage for a day of learning and fun.


Gardening & Nature Studies: 

Nourishing with Nature is a hands-on gardening class that will engage students in the education,

planning, and executing of a garden.


Geo Whiz Kidz:

Geo Whiz Kidz takes your child from geography novice to geography champion. Using the

same techniques, games, training, and activities that are used to prepare students for the

National Geographic Bee, this class will give new meaning and excitement to an

often-neglected, but very important subject. Name the ten highest mountains in the world – go!

How is it done? By climbing those mountains and hearing the tales of those who’ve climbed

them! Name all 50 states? No problem once you’ve met Mimal! In an age where global

awareness is becoming increasingly important, your child will learn more about the world that

you ever thought possible by being a Geo Whiz Kid!


Animal Tracks Treks - A Fun Twist on Zoology:

What exactly makes a giraffe-necked weevil so unique? And why does an African Civet have stripes, spots, and a face like a raccoon? Explore the mysteries of the animal kingdom as we learn the unique residents of the animal kingdom in every corner of the world. Different from a regular zoology class, we’ll discover why certain animals live where they do, what makes them unique and most important, which ones are endangered or threatened, why and what we can do to save them.



Children have a unique ability to turn a box into a plane, a sheet into a superhero’s cape, or mom’s shoes into Cinderella’s slipper. Unfortunately most children lose this skill as they get older and never learn how to channel their imagination into the skills of creative and critical thinking – skills that are highly sought after in the business world. Join us as we teach your child to “think outside the box” not only to solve interesting challenges but to look at things from an innovative point of view. Guaranteed to have your child looking at the world differently, this class will help them value their creativity and imagination, and it just might encourage them to keep that childhood imagination well into adulthood.


A Study in Fine Art: 

Students will create masterpieces using a variety of methods and tools.  From painting

to sculpting and from charcoal to chalk pastels, students will learn technique and have lots of

fun exploring their creativity and the world of art!


Three snack times, and outdoor times, will be included throughout the day so that students have a natural balance of active play time and time to quietly focus.


Red Maples, ages 11-14

Fall 2018: August 16, 2018 to December 6, 2018

Spring 2019: January 17, 2019 to May 9, 2019 

Thursdays from 9am to 2pm in Windermere, FL

Tuition: $660/semester or $165/month

(plus $35 Non-Refundable Registration Fee and $60 Non-Refundable Supply Fee)

Namas-PLAY Yoga for Kids:

Through movement, mindfulness, music, and breath, we will come together to cultivate a joyful

calm; and set the stage for a day of learning and fun.


Botany & Herbal Medicine with Gardening & Nature Studies:

Explore the healing and helpful world around us while learning how to make first aid remedies

with what can be found in nature. The students will continue to participate in the care and

execution of the garden, and will harvest as many plants from it as possible to help in their

Herbal Medicine class.


American History: 1760-1860:

American History is best learned and appreciated through the stories of the people who lived

during those significant moments that shaped our country from the very beginning. In this class

students will learn the personal struggles and triumphs of well-known heroes, as well as lesser

known ordinary people who did remarkable things. Children, widows, farmers, the local

merchant, all played a part in shaping our history and their stories are sometimes more inspiring

than those of Paul Revere or Ben Franklin. Hands-on activities and projects will include

everything from feeling the outrage of taxation through a modern-day comparison, to holding

campaigns for Adams and Jefferson, all the way through making their own shoes like Lewis and Clark. Students will learn to take their own notes and keep an interactive notebook that will help enhance the learning process – all while finding out American History is more fun than they ever imagined!


Institute for Excellence in Writing (Creative Writing):

This class will be hands-on and full. Although it will follow the IEW curriculum for the Middle School level, it will be creative and full of fun. There will be homework for the students to do throughout the week. A full description will be coming soon!


A Study in Fine Art: 

Students will create masterpieces using a variety of methods and tools.  From painting to sculpting and from charcoal to chalk pastels, students will learn technique and have lots of fun exploring their creativity and the world of art.


Three snack times, and outdoor times, will be included throughout the day so that students have a natural balance of active play time and time to quietly focus.

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