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Fall 2021 - Spring 2022 Day School


Due to the Pandemic, all students and adults are required to wear masks, adhere to extra safety measures, and social distance while on campus. 

Sprouts, ages 5 to 7

August 19, 2021 to May 5, 2022, 9am to 2pm

$660 per semester or $165/month (plus $35 Non-Refundable Registration Fee and

$60 Non-Refundable Supply Fee per semester)

Children ages 5 to 7, will study a combination of Kindergarten and First Grade using a

Montessori base with a Lively Arts, mindfulness, and inclusivity influenced curriculum. We aim

to educate the whole child: their mind, body, and heart.


During their day the students will spend most of their time with their main teacher exploring

Circle Time, Literature, Poetry, Writing, Math, Spelling, Show and Tell, and Art. They will also 

participate in Drum Circle and Gardening/Nature Studies classes with our those teachers

during the day.


As part of their Language Arts lessons the teacher will read, explore, and enact stories with

them each week which will be based on Fairy Tales, current Holidays, or seasonal occasions.

Students will then create an artistic depiction of the story through drawing or painting.

During this time, students will also practice writing and spelling.


Math instruction will include a story component as well as focusing on learning about the 

four processes of math — addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They will also be

introduced to Roman numerals. Math will be very hands-on and include multiple learning

techniques and activities.


Three to four snack times, and outdoor times, will be included in the day so that students have a natural balance of active play time and time to quietly focus. (PLEASE NOTE:  WE ARE A NUT FREE FACILITY!Part of our outdoor time will be free play, and the other part will be focused on nature studies in Gardening Class where students will be exposed to topics such as the four seasons, insect studies, nature crafts and more.

Seedlings, ages 7 to 9
Class Full - Wait List Only

August 19, 2021 to May 5, 2022, 9am to 2pm

$660 per semester or $165/month (plus $35 Non-Refundable Registration Fee and

$60 Non-Refundable Supply Fee per semester)

Children ages 7 to 9, will study a combination of Second and Third grade using  Lively Arts,

mindfulness, and inclusivity influenced curriculum. We aim to educate the whole child: their

mind, body, and heart.


During their day the students will spend most of their time with their main teacher exploring

Circle Time, Literature, Poetry, Writing, Math, Spelling, and Art. They will also 

participate in Drum Circle and Gardening/Nature Studies classes with those teachers during

the day.


During Circle Time the teacher will lead the students in one or two seasonal poems, one or

two seasonal songs, and movement games that touch on math and language arts skills.


As part of their Language Arts lessons the teacher will read, explore, and enact stories with

them each week which will be based on Animals, current Holidays, or seasonal occasions.

Students will then create an artistic depiction of the story through drawing or painting.

During this time, students will also practice writing and spelling.


Math instruction will include a story component as well as focussing on expanding their

understanding of the four processes of math — addition, subtraction, multiplication and

division. They will also explore Time and Money matters. Math will be hands-on and include

multiple learning techniques and activities.


Three to four snack times, and outdoor times, will be included in the day so that students have a natural balance of active play time and time to quietly focus. (PLEASE NOTE:  WE ARE A NUT FREE FACILITY!) Part of our outdoor time will be free play, and the other part will be focused on nature studies in Gardening Class where students will be exposed to topics such as animals, flora and fauna, nature crafts and more.

Saplings, ages 9 to11
Class Full - Wait List Only

August 19, 2021 to May 5, 2022, 9am to 2pm

$660 per semester or $165/month (plus $35 Non-Refundable Registration Fee and

$60 Non-Refundable Supply Fee per semester)


DRUM CIRLCE FOR KIDS: Through movement, mindfulness, music, and breath we will

come together to explore rhythms, cultures, and music history through the art of drumming.

The students will learn the basics of rhythm and proper technique, study the basis of music

theory, and its applications, as well as music history of different cultures and time periods. 

There will be a performance for families and friends at the end of the semester that will

showcase all the students have learned together. We hope you will join us for it.


GARDENING & NATURE STUDIES: Students will study a variety of plants, incests, vertebrates, 

and invertebrates that are native to Florida. They will learn how our ecosystem works to support

all of the living beings that reside within it. They will be keeping a natural journal to help further 

their studies and enhance their knowledge of the natural world around them.



STORIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD: Set your spirit of adventure free in this class with a trip

around the world. Whether you're visiting the penguins of Antarctica, joining the Carnival in

Brazil or taking a canoe safari down the Zambezi River, this class will bring together many

stories and activities to inspire your inner adventurer. Celebrate the great diversity of our planet

by learning about different animals, people and sights unique to each location!



SCIENCE OF FLORIDA: Science is all around us, especially in such a unique state as Florida! 

Florida’s diverse features will be a jumping off point for this class to study a wide range of

science topics.  We’ll look at physical science through topics like ocean waves and roller coasters; Earth science through our weather and geology; biology through Florida’s animals and ecosystems; and more!  We’ll anchor ourselves in real-life subjects and the kids’ own experiences, but generalize them to fundamental science topics that will set a basis for studying science in higher grades.  Students who took biology with us in 2020-21 will be able to build on the topics we introduced that year as we move into wider biological concepts like ecology and invasive species.



FINE ART: Students will experiment with a variety of techniques and materials in this process-focused class.  They will hone their skills with drawing and the visual elements, while learning to make intentional creative choices.  Students will be introduced to a wide range of artists that will inspire their best work.



Three snack times, and outdoor times, will be included throughout the day so that students have a natural balance of active play time and time to quietly focus. (PLEASE NOTE:  WE ARE A NUT FREE FACILITY!)

Red Maples, ages 11 to 14
Class Full - Wait List Only

August 19, 2021 to May 5, 2022, 9am to 2pm

$660 per semester or $165/month (plus $35 Non-Refundable Registration Fee and

$60 Non-Refundable Supply Fee per semester)


DRUM CIRCLE FOR KIDS: Through movement, mindfulness, music, and breath we will

come together to explore rhythms, cultures, and music history through the art of drumming.

The students will learn the basics of rhythm and proper technique, study the basis of music

theory, and its applications, as well as music history of different cultures and time periods. 

There will be a performance for families and friends at the end of the semester that will

showcase all the students have learned together. We hope you will join us for it.


PHYSICAL SCIENCE: What’s the chemistry in your laundry room?  How can you invert a bucket

of water over your head without getting wet?  Why can’t you pinch your nose and hum at the

same time?  Physical science is the study of matter, energy, and the changes they undergo. 

This class covers a range of basic concepts in physics and chemistry, and sets students up to

understand the underlying causes of complex phenomena.  We will use lecture, discussion,

hands-on activities, and basic scientific math to set students up for success in these

fundamental subjects.  Topics in chemistry will include matter, states of matter, elements, atoms,

bonding, and chemical reactions.  Topics in physics will include waves, sound, light, motion,

forces, work, energy, magnetism, and electricity.  The course will use the middle school

textbook “Science Explorer: Physical Science”.

**Students should expect to have homework each week in this class; the amount

and difficulty can be tuned by the parent to each child's grade and ability level.



GARDENING & HERBALISM: Students will study a variety of plants, incests, vertebrates, 

and invertebrates that are native to Florida. They will learn how our ecosystem works to support all of the living beings that reside within it. They will be keeping a natural journal to help further their studies and enhance their knowledge of the natural world around them. Students will also learn how certain plants can be beneficial to aid in first aid, skin care, and health. 

**Students should expect to have some homework in this class, ranging from nature walks and working in their nature journals to researching plants and experimenting with herbalism. 



WESTERN AND WORLD CULTURE THROUGH THE YEARS: This course will be an integrated study of history and the arts. We’ll study examples of visual art, music, theater, architecture, and literature of a particular time period holistically. This will reveal to us the values of the people living at that moment and place in time. By exploring culture chronologically, we’ll also see how culture as a whole develops and changes over time. There will be an emphasis on Western Culture, but we’ll also study some elements of Eastern and Middle Eastern cultures as well. 

**Students should expect to have homework each week, ranging from reading about the culture to researching ideas to presenting hands-on projects for the class.



FINE ART: Students will be introduced to a variety of art materials, techniques, and inspiring artwork.  They will be encouraged to think like an artist and become more comfortable with the creative process.  By alternating between learning technique and having space to experiment, students will gain confidence to make their own creative choices.  

**Students should expect to have homework each week. At-home sketchbook practice will expand on what we work on in class together each week. 



Three snack times, and outdoor times, will be included throughout the day so that students have a natural balance of active play time and time to quietly focus. (PLEASE NOTE:  WE ARE A NUT FREE FACILITY!)

High School, ages 14 to 18

August 19, 2021 to May 5, 2022, 9am to 2pm

$750 per semester for the entire day OR $250 per single class per semester (plus $35 Non-Refundable Registration Fee and 

$100 Non-Refundable Supply Fee for entire day program per semester) 





PHYSICAL SCIENCE: (Full year course. Counts as 1 credit Science requirement.) 

Physical science is the study of matter, energy, and the changes they undergo.  This class

covers a range of basic concepts in physics and chemistry, and sets students up to

understand the underlying causes of complex phenomena.  We will use lecture, discussion,

hands-on activities, and basic scientific math to set students up for success in these

fundamental subjects.  Topics in physics will include motion, forces, work, energy, thermal

energy, electricity, magnetism, waves, sound, electromagnetic waves, and light.  Topics in

chemistry will include matter, states of matter, atoms, the Periodic Table, elements,

chemical bonds, chemical reactions, nuclear reactions, solutions, acids and bases, salts,

and organic compounds.  The course will use the high school textbook “Glencoe Physical

Science”, and weekly homework will be assigned.



ENGLISH WITH WRITING LAB: (Full year course. Counts as 1 credit English

requirement.) Taking a page from a traditional high school English course and mixing it up

with the details and interactive lessons homeschoolers have come to expect. In this class

we will read an array of short stories, poetry, novels, autobiographies, and famous

speeches. By reading and discussing this literature, we will challenge your student to

improve their written and oral communication skills, and strengthen their ability to understand and analyze literature in a variety of genres. This course will also cover a review of some grammar principles, vocabulary, literature, literary analysis and writing. This allows students to see the relationship between words and their meaning and builds a strong foundation for reading comprehension, literary analysis, and, of course writing. Writing will be studied using mentor texts and executed using the primary essays students are expected to write in high school and beyond. This course will give students an appreciation for the written word.



AMERICAN HISTORY: (Full year course. Counts as 1 credit History requirement.)  In this American History class, we will trace the paths of explorers and examine how The Colonies became the United States after breaking away from England. We will study the founding principles of the US government, the acquisition of new territory in post-colonial times, the causes and events of the Civil War, and post-Civil War America. Along with reading and discussing each chapter, this class will be a mix of answering questions, writing papers, and creating small projects based on what we have learned. 



WESTERN AND WORLD CULTURE THROUGH THE YEARS: (Full year course. Counts as 1 Social Studies credit as a History requirement if needed or elective.) This course will be an integrated study of history and the arts. We’ll study examples of visual art, music, theater, architecture, and literature of a particular time period holistically. This will reveal to us the values of the people living at that moment and place in time. By exploring culture chronologically, we’ll also see how culture as a whole develops and changes over time. There will be an emphasis on Western Culture, but we’ll also study some elements of Eastern and Middle Eastern cultures as well.



YOGA - FALL SEMESTER: (Half year course held in fall. Counts for 1/2 credit for P.E. requirement) Through movement, mindfulness, mediation, and relaxation techniques students will learn how to focus on centering their mind and bodies for the day. This class will help students develop healthy habits they can use on a daily basis for the rest of their lives to reduce stress and anxiety and be more mindful about the choices they make. 



HEALTHY LIVING - SPRING SEMESTER: (Half year course held in spring. Counts for 1/2 credit for P.E. requirement when taken in the same school year as Yoga.) Description TBA.



There will be a 20-30 minutes lunch period outside in our courtyard. (PLEASE NOTE:  WE ARE A NUT FREE FACILITY!) There will also be time for students to relax and socialize in-between classes. 

Teen Students
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